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Jimny Nomade

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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Feb 2025 18:53    Naslov sporočila: Jimny Nomade Odgovori s citatom

Suzuki Suspends Jimny 5D Orders In Japan After 4-Day Demand Creates 3.5-Year Backlog

Suzuki has temporarily suspended orders for the Jimny Nomade in Japan.
The automaker has received around 50,000 orders for the SUV in just 4 days.
The five-door Jimny is exclusively manufactured at Suzuki’s plant in India.

Four days after launching the five-door Jimny Nomade in Japan, Suzuki has received orders for the next 3.5 years

The four-door Suzuki Jimny Nomade has proven incredibly popular with Japanese buyers, forcing the automaker to temporarily suspend orders. The demand has been so overwhelming that the automaker had no choice but to temporarily halt orders, as the flood of requests far exceeds their ability to keep up with production.

Just four days after announcing the launch of the Jimny Nomade in Japan, Suzuki was already staring down the barrel of a staggering 50,000 orders. Given that the production output for Japan is currently capped at a modest 1,200 units per month, buyers can expect to wait roughly three and a half years before their new off-roader arrives.

In a post on its official website, Suzuki issued the following apology to potential buyers caught in this backlog:

“We apologize to customers considering the purchase of the Jimny Nomad due to the suspension of orders. Thank you very much for your interest in our products. The Jimny Nomad has been very well received, and we have received orders that far exceed our production capacity. As a result, we will be temporarily suspending orders. We will provide updates on when orders will reopen, considering the future production situation. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.”

What’s behind the surge in demand? The longer wheelbase and extra set of doors make Suzuki’s small off-roader more practical and livable without sacrificing its rugged stance and character. Despite being 340 mm (13.4 inches) longer than the three-door version, the Jimny Nomade remains compact at 3,890 mm (153.1 inches) in length.

The Jimny Nomade is built at Suzuki’s Gurugram plant in India and is being exported to markets beyond Japan, including Southeast Asia, South Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.

While Suzuki aims to fulfill current orders as quickly as possible, there is no timeline yet for when new reservations will be accepted. The first deliveries in Japan are set for April 3rd. In response to the overwhelming demand, Suzuki has also canceled all planned exhibition events for the Jimny Nomade in Japan.

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Feb 2025 18:56    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

New 2025 Suzuki Jimny Nomade Five-Door - Legendary Mini Off Roader SUV

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Feb 2025 18:59    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Suzuki Jimny five-door launches in Japan, generates four-year wait in less than a week

The five-door Suzuki Jimny has launched in Japan to extraordinary demand, with sales paused after around 50,000 orders were received.

Suzuki has stopped taking orders for the five-door Jimny off-roader in Japan after extraordinary demand led to a four-year wait time less than a week after it launched.

Sales of the Indian-built Suzuki Jimny Nomade five-door – sold in Australia as the Jimny XL – commenced for the Japanese market on Thursday January 30, 2025, however the brand stopped taking new orders five days later.

"Thank you very much for considering our products. The Jimny Nomade has been very well received by many customers, and we have received orders far exceeding our production capacity," Suzuki said in a notice on its Japanese consumer website.

"Therefore, we will be suspending orders for the time being. We will inform you again about the resumption of orders, taking into consideration the future production situation, etc."

In a media release, Suzuki said it had received around 50,000 orders of the Jimny Nomade in Japan in less than a week, which "far exceeds" its expected sales for the new model due to arrive in the country in April 2025.

Japanese publication Creative Trend reports customers face a wait time of four years, with Suzuki cancelling planned exhibitions of the new model at events and shopping centres across Japan.

The Suzuki Jimny Nomade is the Japanese-market version of the Jimny XL, which has been available in Australia since December 2023.

In Japan, the five-door Jimny is available with a dealer-fitted 10-centimetre tall box to raise the boot area, allowing for a flat floor when the seats are folded, similar to the new Toyota LandCruiser Prado.

It is sold alongside the three-door Jimny Sierra, which is simply called Jimny in Australia, and a Japan-only model with shortened bumpers and a 0.6-litre turbocharged three-cylinder engine to meet Kei car requirements.

In June 2024, Drive reported wait times for a new Suzuki Jimny of between one and eight months in Australia, after order books for the three-door automatic variant were paused for most of 2023 due to high demand.

Suzuki Australia general manager of automobiles Michael Pachota said the local division is "constantly asking for more" stock – while wait times for the Jimny XL were expected to blow out for Australia as it launches into additional overseas markets, including Japan.

"I pushed for it very hard to be able to rob my future [Jimny XL] supply and give [overseas markets] a better future supply based on their launch dates," Pachota said in June 2024.

Drive has contacted Suzuki Australia to confirm the latest wait times for the three-door Jimny and five-door Jimny XL.

The Suzuki Jimny was the brand's most-popular model in Australia in 2024 with 9697 deliveries – a 94 per cent increase over 2023 – with the off-roader being the nation's second-best-selling light SUV behind the Mazda CX-3 (a record 18,461) but ahead of the Toyota Yaris Cross (8206) and Hyundai Venue (6949).

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 08 Feb 2025 19:05    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Tako priljubljen, da so ga iz prodaje umaknili po le štirih dneh

Izjemno povpraševanje po Suzukijevem novem avtomobilu je ustvarilo čakalno dobo, ki jo zavidajo tudi najredkejši in najdražji avtomobili.

Prejšnji teden je Suzuki na japonskem trgu predstavil model Jimny Nomade, petvratno različico robustnega kompaktnega terenca, ki je prodajna naročila zapolnil že pred nekaj leti. S svojo petvratno zasnovo in 340 mm daljšo medosno razdaljo, a še vedno kompaktno dolžino 3.890 milimetrov, ohranja terensko zmogljivost, a nudi več prostora in uporabnosti.

Povpraševanje pa je preseglo vsa pričakovanja. V le štirih dneh so prejeli kar 50.000 naročil ter proizvodno kvoto zapolnili za tri leta in pol! Čeprav se skupna številka ne zdi tako zastrašujoča, je glavna omejitev Suzukijevia tovarna v Gurugramu v Indiji, kjer je proizvodnja za Japonsko omejena na 1.200 enot mesečno.
Odpovedali so tudi vse promocijske dogodke

Priljubljenost gre razumeti tudi zaradi njegove cene. Na japonskem je zanj potrebno odšteti preračunanih 16.500 evrov, kar gre za podobno vstopno ceno kot jo bo na našem trgu imela nova Fiat Panda Grande, a Suzuki za to ponudi tudi štirikolesni pogon. Trivratni Jimny pa je še cenejši in stane preračunanih 13 tisočakov. Petvratnega Jimnyja sicer izvažajo tudi v Indijo, Afriko in Latinsko Ameriko, kamor je na ceste zapeljal že leta 2023.

Prve japonske dobave so načrtovane za 3. april, časovnice za morebitno ponovno odprtje naročil pa še niso podali. Zaradi ogromnega povpraševanja so odpovedali tudi vse načrtovane razstavne dogodke za Jimny Nomada na Japonskem. Verjetnosti, da bi Jimny Nomade zapeljal tudi v Evropo tako skoraj ni. Ne samo zaradi omejene proizvodnje, temveč tudi zaradi emisijskih in varnostnih razlogov, ki so že pred leti iz prodaje umaknili trivratnega Jimnyja.

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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