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MANUAL 410 413 Samurai
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Mar 2011 22:31    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Nič posebnega vendar jih je lepo pogledat:
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Mar 2011 08:12    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

1 - Hub R/L 43400-80812
2 - Bearing, Hub(2/side) R/L 09265-41001
3 - Seal, Bearing R/L 09283-50002
4 - Caliper, Brake
To VINJ4235000 R/L 55100-B3300
From VIN J4235001 R/L 55100-70A20
5 - Carrier, Caliper R/L 55160-70A10
6 - Carrier, Caliper R/L 55311-80000
7 - Shield, Splash R/L 55221-80000
8 - Rotor, Brake R/L 55211-80000
9 - Spindle, Assembly R/L 43440-80005
10 - Bushing, Spindle R/L 43445-60A11 (Included w/ Spindle Assembly)
11 - Knuckle R 45111-80001, L 45151-80001
12 - Retainer, Oil Seal (2/Sides) R/L 45623-80001
13 - Hub Kit, Locking
Manual Lock Hubs R/L 43801-80011
Automatic Lock Hubs R/L 43801-83000
14 - Pin, King (2/Sides) R/L 45610-63002
15 - Shaft, Axle R 44101-83320, L 44102-83320
16 - Seal, Oil R/L 09283-26016
17 - Housing , Axle 46480-83304
18 - Hosing, Axle R/L 51540-80151

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Best member 2012

Pridružen/-a: 19.02. 2011, 23:49
Prispevkov: 408
Kraj: Vipavska dolina

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Mar 2011 19:45    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

alien je napisal/a:

Koliko amperski je original samurajev alternator???
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Mar 2011 21:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

45A če se ne motim.
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Hardcore off roader

Pridružen/-a: 20.02. 2011, 20:09
Prispevkov: 146

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Mar 2011 21:47    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Ne motiš se Wink
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Best member 2012

Pridružen/-a: 19.02. 2011, 23:49
Prispevkov: 408
Kraj: Vipavska dolina

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Mar 2011 23:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

OK,hvala Very Happy
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Okt 2011 11:48    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

alien je napisal/a:

Skrajševanje reduktorja

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 10:16    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


Motorno olje............... 4.1 L 10w40 / 15w40
Hladilni sistem ........... 4.8 L
Rervoar goriva........... 40.1 L
Prvi diferencijal.......... 2.0 L 75EP90
Zadnji diferencijal....... 1.5 L 75EP90
Menjalnik................... 1.3 L 75EP90
Reduktor.................... 0.8 L 75EP90
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 10:19    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Suzuki Engine Specs

1.3 G13BA 1298cc SOHC 8V
Bore x Stroke 74mm x 75.5mm
Compression Ratio 9.5:1
Cylinder Block Deck Height 186.8mm
Deck Clearance 0.2mm (above)
Cylinder Head Volume 32.2cc
Head Gasket Thickness (compressed) 1.2mm
Minimum Combustion Chamber Volume 38.2cc
Intake Valve O.D. 36mm
Exhaust Valve O.D. 30mm
Connecting Rod Length (between centers) 120mm
Piston Comp Height 28.90mm
Piston Clearance & Position (from Crown) 0.200 @ 45.80

1.3 G13A 1324cc SOHC 8V
Bore x Stroke 74mm x 77mm
Compression Ratio 8.9:1
Cylinder Block Deck Height 186.8mm
Cylinder Head Volume 32.2cc
Head Gasket Thickness (compressed) 1.2mm
Intake Valve O.D. 36mm
Exhaust Valve O.D. 30mm

1.3 G13B 1298cc DOHC 16V
Bore x Stroke 74mm x 75.5mm
Compression Ratio 10.1:1 (11.1:1 in the import cultus gti)
Cylinder Block Deck Height 186.8mm
Cylinder Head Volume ?
Head Gasket Thickness (compressed) 1.2mm
Intake Valve O.D. 29.1mm X 5.5 X 92.3 1R
Exhaust Valve O.D. 24.9mm

1.6 G16A 1590cc SOHC 8V
Bore x Stroke 75mm x 90mm
Compression Ratio 8.9:1
Cylinder Block Deck Height 213.8mm
Deck Clearance 0.9mm (below)
Cylinder Head Volume 32.2cc
Head Gasket Thickness (compressed) 1.2mm
Minimum Combustion Chamber Volume 50.6cc
Intake Valve O.D. 36.6mm
Exhaust Valve O.D. 32.5mm
Connecting Rod Length (between centers) 139.6mm
Piston Comp Height 28.10mm
Piston Clearance & Position (from Crown) 0.200 @ 48.00

1.6 G16B 1590cc SOHC 16V
Bore x Stroke 75mm x 90mm
Compression Ratio 9.5:1
Cylinder Block Deck Height 213.8mm
Deck Clearance 0.9mm (below)
Cylinder Head Volume 25.5cc
Head Gasket Thickness (compressed) 1.2mm
Minimum Combustion Chamber Volume 46.8cc
Intake Valve O.D. 29.2mm
Exhaust Valve O.D. 25.0mm
Connecting Rod Length (between centers) 139.6mm
Piston Comp Height 28.55mm
Piston Clearance & Position (from Crown) 0.300 @ 53.00


G16 is around 104KG (230lbs) with everything fitted, water & oil & including the rad.
G13BA 1298cc 85.558kg. The complete engine as you might expect to be lifting it out (with manifolds, carburetor, air cleaner, alternator, clutch, radiator hoses and oil but no starter motor)

diesel conversion as a comparison: A 1.9 VW TDI is around to 180-200KG
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 10:29    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

410 Maintenance Specs
Points Gap 0.40 - 0.50mm Dwell 52 degrees approx
Timing 10* before TDC @850rpm
Spark Plug Gap 0.7 - 0.8mm

413 Maintenance Specs
Air Gap 0.20 - 0.40mm
Timing 10* before TDC @850rpm
Spark Plug Gap
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 10:37    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Velikost pnevmatik in platišč

Velikost pnevmatik...........................velikost platišč min/max
205/75R15........ 27.1x8.1R15 .......... 5" - 5.5"- 7"
225/75R15........ 28.3x8.9R15 .......... 6" - 6" - 7.5"
235/75R15........ 28.9x9.3R15....... ... 6" - 6.5" - 8"
265/75R15........ 30.6x10.4R15.......... 7" - 7.5"- 8.5"
....................... 31x10.5R15............. 7" - 8.5"- 9"
....................... 33x11.5R15............. 8" - 9" - 10"
....................... 33 & 35x12.5R15.... 8.5"- 10"- 11"
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 10:42    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Torque settings


Spark Plugs_21
Camshaft cover bolts_3 to 3.5
Intake/exhaust manifold nuts/bolts_13.5 to 20
Camshaft sprocket bolt_41 to 46
Cylinder head bolts
8 valve engine_46 to 50
16 valve engine
Step 1_25
Step 2_40
Step 3_48 to 50
Crankshaft pulley bolts_7.5 to 9
Crankshaft pulley center bolt
8 valve engine_52
16 valve engine_76 to 83
Oil pump gear plate bolts_7 to 8.5
Oil pump-to-block bolts_7 to 8.5
Oil pan bolts/nuts_7 to 8.5
Flywheel/driveplate bolts_58
Timing belt cover_ 7 to 8.5
Rear main seal housing bolts_8
Rocker arm shaft retaining screws_7 to 8.5
Timing belt tensioner bolt_17.5 to 21.5
Timing belt tensioner nut_7 to 8.5
Engine mounting center member bolt_43
Distributor gear case bolts_6 to 7.2
Main bearing cap bolts_36.5 to 41
Connecting rod cap nuts_24 to 26.5

Manual Transmission_Ft-lbs

Oil fill and drain plugs_20
Transmission-to-engine bolts/nuts
Samurai_16 to 25
Vitara_51 to 72
Input shaft bearing retainer bolts_14 to 20
Shift lever retainer bolts (Samurai)_30 to 60 in-lbs

Auto Transmission__Ft-lbs

Transmission-to-engine bolts and nuts_62
Torque converter-to-driveplate bolt_62
Oil pan bolts_9

Transfer Case_Ft-lbs

Transfer case-to-transmission nuts_20
Shift lever case center bolt_60 in-lbs
Shift lever case bolts
Sidekick_144 in-lbs
Samurai Transfer case flange nut_80 to 108 lbs

Clutch and Drivetrain_Ft-lbs

Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts_14 to 20
Driveshaft nuts and bolts
Samurai_17 to 22
Sidekick and Tracker_36 to 43
Freewheeling hub
Manual locking
Hub body bolts_15 to 22
Hub cover bolts_72 to 109 in-lbs
Automatic locking
Hub body bolts_15 to 21
Kingpin bolts (Samurai)_15 to 22
Pressure plate-to-flywheel bolts_14 to 20
Front wheel bearing nut (Samurai)_96 to 132 in-lbs
Front wheel bearing lock nut (Samurai)_43 to 65
Driveaxle flange bolt and nut (Vitara)_29 to 43
Front axle housing mounting bolts (Vitara) _37
Front wheel bearing locknut (Vitara)
1992 and earlier (all models)_89 to 148
1993 and later
Differential carrier bolts
Differential drain plugs
Brake backing plate bolts/nuts_14 to 20
Brake drum & Wheel nuts_37 to 59


Front Suspension

Leaf spring U-bolt nuts_44 to 58
Leaf spring shackle pin nut_22 to 40
Leaf spring eye-to-frame bolt_33 to 50

Front strut/shock absorber upper mounting nuts_14 to 22
Front strut/shock absorber-to-steering knuckle nuts_58 to 75
Lower control arm
Front nut_50 to 75
Rear nut_65 to 100
Balljoint stud nut_32 to 50
Balljoint-to-lower arm nuts_50 to 75
Spindle-to-steering knuckle bolts_29 to 43

Rear Suspension

Leaf spring U-bolt nuts_4 4 to 58
Leaf spring shackle pin nut_22 to 40
Leaf spring eye-to-frame bolt_33 to 50

Rear balljoint boss bolts_2 9 to 43
Upper arm bolts_58 to 72
Proportioning stay bolts_1 7
Trailing rod nuts_58 to 72


Steering wheel nut_18 to 28
Steering gear mounting bolts_51 to 65
Intermediate shaft pinch bolt_14 to 22
Pitman arm-to-steering gear nut_101 to 129
Tie-rod end ballstud nut_22 to 40
Steering shaft rubber joint bolts_11 to 18
Pitman arm nut_101 to 129
Drag link nut (Samurai)_22 to 50
Center link nut (Vitara)_22 to 50
Idler arm nut (Vitara)_50 to 72
Steering knuckle seal retainer bolts_96 in-lbs

Fuel and Exhaust_Ft-lbs

Fuel pump-to-cylinder head nuts_7 to 11.5
Carb/throttle body mounting nuts/bolts_13.5 to 20
O2 sensor_40


Fan clutch-to-water pump nuts_6 to 8.5
Thermostat housing bolts_7 to 12
Water pump-to-block bolts_7 to 9


Brake bleeder screw_8
Brake hose-to-caliper inlet fitting bolt_14 to 18
Caliper carrier bolts_51 to 72
Caliper mounting bolts_18 to 20
Master cylinder mounting nuts_7 to 12
Power brake booster mounting nuts_7 to 12
Wheel cylinder mounting bolts_6 to 9


Glass stud nut_4
Hinge bolt_26
Handle nut_4
Latch screw_7
Front door vent window screw_1
Rear door stationary glass channel frame screw_1
Hood hinge bolt_23
Lift gate
Hinge bolt_7
Latch screw_7
Striker screw_22
Front seat frame-to-floor nut_18
Rear seat-to-seat back cushion hinge bolt_33
Safety belt anchor bolt_36
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 12:05    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


Vehicle type............. Two-door, hard and soft top
Vehicle class........... Sport / utility
Powertrain layout..... Front engine, four-wheel drive
Body structure........ Body with chassis frame
Body material......... Steel
Seating capacity..... Four

Front .................... Leaf spring solid axle
Rear...................... Leaf spring solid axle

Steering gear box..... Manual ball nut
Turning radius.......... 16.7 ft. (5.1 m)
Toe in..................... 0.08 - 0.24 in. (2 - 6 mm)
Caster angle........... 3º 30'
King pin angle......... 9º 00'

Type...................... Power-assisted hydraulic
Front..................... Disc, floating caliper
Rear...................... Drum leading and trailing
Parking brake......... Lever-hand operated

Wheels and Tires
Wheel Type........... Steel
Wheel size............ 15 x 5" (381 x 127 mm)
Tire type................ All-season, steel-belted radial
Tire size................ P205/70R15
Spare size............ Full-size

Front hubs
JA........................ Manual/Automatic
JX........................ Manual/Automatic

Restraint System
Safety belts.......... Front and rear lap / shoulder belts

Fuel Economy
EPA Estimates - Manual
City 23 MPG
Highway 25 MPG
EPA Estimates - Automatic
City 21 MPG
Highway 24 MPG

Type....................... 1.3-liter, four-cylinder, in-line 8-valve OHC
Block material......... Aluminum
Bore x Stroke......... 2.91 in. x 3.03 in. (74 mm x 77 mm)
Displacement......... 80.8 cu. in. (1.3 liter)
Compression ratio... 8.9:1
Induction system.... Carburetor
Horsepower ........... 60 hp @ 6500 rpm (45 kw)
Torque (SAE net)...... lb.-ft. @ 3500 rpm

Manual Transmission
Type...................... Five-speed, all synchromesh
Clutch.................... Dry, single disc, diaphragm spring

Gear ratios
1st......................... 3.652
2nd.................... 1.947
3rd..................... 1.423
4th........................ 1.000
5th..................... 0.795
Reverse............... 3.466

Transfer gear ratios
Low (4WD)............. 2.268
High...................... 1.409
Differential ratio...... 373.1

Capacities / Calculated Data
Engine oil..................3.5 l
Fuel tank ..................40.3 l
Engine coolant ...........5 l
Transmission oil
Manual (4WD)............1.3 l
Differential gear oil
Front .........................2.0 l
Rear ..........................1.5 l
Transfer gear box oil.....0.8 l

Exterior Dimensions
Wheelbase...............2030 mm
Tread width
Front.......................1300 mm
Rear .......................1310 mm
Overall Length...........3430 mm
Overall Width (Body).1530 mm
Overall Height...........1665 mm
Min ground clearance....205 mm

Curb Weight
Manual .....................942 kg
Gross Vehicle Wt. Rating....1315 kg

Gross Axle Wt. Rating
Front........................566 kg
Rear ........................754 kg

Interior Dimensions
Rear cargo
Length.......................826 mm
Width .......................1270 mm
Height ......................1021 mm
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 06.03. 2011, 11:27
Prispevkov: 10

PrispevekObjavljeno: 15 Feb 2012 18:13    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

A koliko tešku prikolicu smije povući Samurai, bez naletne kočnice i sa naletnom kočnicom? Taj podatak ne mogu nigdje naći!
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 16 Feb 2012 09:07    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Nikoli slišal tega podatka Confused

Tole se najde, če je prav.....ne vem če bi si upal z 410-ko vleči 1200 kg....saj še servo zavor nima. S samurajem sem vlekel toliko, pa ne bom nikoli več.
Kakšna drva po gmajni že, na cesti pa ziher ne.

The Suzuki SJ410 4 speed has a towing capacity of 1200 Kg with a braked Trailer. The later 5 speed has a Towing Capacity of only 1100 Kg with a braked Trailer.

The Suzuki SJ413 and SJ413 Samurai has a Towing Capacity of 1100 Kg with a braked Trailer

The Suzuki Jimny 1.3 16V Petrol or 1.5 Diesel has a Towing capacity of up to 1200 Kg with a Braked Trailer

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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