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Vitara manual

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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Feb 2011 15:48    Naslov sporočila: Vitara manual Odgovori s citatom

VIN Number Motor Decode
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 02 Mar 2011 08:19    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

FSM - Vitara 1999-2005 Engine Drivetrain Manual.pdf

FSM - Vitara 1999-2005 Full Service Manual.pdf

FSM - Vitara 1999-2005 Service Manual Canvas Top Supplemental.pdf

FSM - Vitara 1999-2005 Transmission Transfer Case Differential Manual .pdf

OWN - Tracker Owners Manual 1998.pdf
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 19 Mar 2011 23:49    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Best member 2012

Pridružen/-a: 19.02. 2011, 23:49
Prispevkov: 408
Kraj: Vipavska dolina

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Mar 2012 22:31    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Bom kar tuki vprašu...

Obstaja kak model vitare, ki ima že v originalu vgrajen navaden in ne servo povž volana?

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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Mar 2012 22:43    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Itak, prvi letniki so vsi brez. Praktično vse z najšvohnejšim motorjem (vplinjač) so vse brez vsega. Po sistemu, mal denarja mal muzike.
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Best member 2012

Pridružen/-a: 19.02. 2011, 23:49
Prispevkov: 408
Kraj: Vipavska dolina

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Mar 2012 22:59    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Danes sem zasledil eno tako, sem samo shock shock

Nisem vedu, da obstaja tudi taka varjanta vitare...
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 22 Mar 2012 23:06    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Težje jo je najti z kot pa brez. Prava rariteta je pa vitara z klimo in tempomatom.
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
Nazaj na vrh
Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Mar 2012 23:53    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

12 All Clear (No Fault Detected)
13 O2 Sensor circuit
14 Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit
15 Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit
21 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit
22 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit
23 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Circuit
24 Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit
25 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Circuit
31 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Circuit
32 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Circuit
41 Ignition Signal Circuit
42 Crank Angle Sensor Circuit
44 Idle Switch Sensor Circuit
45 Idle Switch Sensor Circuit
51 EGR System & Recirculated Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor
53 Ground Circuit
54 Fifth Gear Switch Circuit
71 Test Switch Circuit
ON ECM failure

13 HO2S Circuit
14 ECT Sensor Circuit
15 ECT Sensor Circuit
21 TP Sensor Circuit
22 TP Sensor Circuit
23 IAT Sensor Circuit
24 VSS Circuit
25 Intake Air Sensor Circuit
33 Air Flow Sensor Circuit
34 Air Flow Sensor Circuit
41 Ignition Signal Circuit
42 CMP Sensor Circuit
44 Idle Switch Circuit
45 Idle Switch Circuit
51 EGR System & REGT Sensor Circuit
52 Fuel Injector

96–98 VITARA & X-90 1.6L ENGINE
P0101 MAF Circuit Performance Problem
P0102 MAF Circuit Voltage Low
P0103 MAF Circuit Voltage High
P0112 IAT Circuit Voltage Low
P0113 IAT Circuit Voltage High
P0117 ECT Circuit Voltage Low
P0118 ECT Circuit Voltage High
P0121 TP Circuit Performance Problem
P0122 TP Circuit Voltage Low
P0123 TP Circuit Voltage High
P0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature For Closed Loop Fuel Control
P0131 HO2S Circuit Voltage Low
P0132 HO2S Circuit Voltage High
P0133 HO2S Circuit Slow Response
P0134 HO2S No Activity
P0135 HO2S Heater Circuit Malfunction
P0136 HO2S Circuit Malfunction
P0141 HO2S Heater Circuit Malfunction
P0171 Fuel System Too Lean
P0172 Fuel System Too Rich
P0300 Random Misfire Detected
P0301–P0304 Misfire Cylinders 1–4
P0335 CKP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0340 CMP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0400 EGR Flow Malfunction
P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold
P0440 EVAP II System Malfunction
P0443 EVAP I System Improper Purge Flow
P0450 EVAP II System Pressure Sensor Malfunction
P0461 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Performance
P0463 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Voltage High
P0500 VSS Malfunction
P0505 IAC System Malfunction
P0510 CTP Switch Malfunction
P0601 Internal Control Module Memory Checksum Error
P0603 Internal Control Module KAM Error
P0705 (34) Transmission Range Switch Circuit Malfunction
P0720 (31) OSS Malfunction
P0725 (52) Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction
P0741 (29) TCC Solenoid Performance Or Stuck Off
P0743 (25 Or 26) TCC Lock-Up Solenoid Electrical
P0751 (27) Shift Solenoid ‘‘A’’ (No. 1) Performance Or Stuck Off
P0753 (21 Or 22) Shift Solenoid ‘‘A’’ (No. 1) Electrical
P0756 (28) Shift Solenoid ‘‘B’’ (No. 2) Performance Or Stuck Off
P0758 (23 Or 24) Shift Solenoid ‘‘B’’ (No. 2) Electrical
P0771 (29) TCC Solenoid Performance Or Stuck Off
P0773 (25 Or 26) TCC Lock-Up Solenoid Electrical
P1408 MDP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1410 EVAP II Fuel Tank Pressure Control System Malfunction
P1450 BARO Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1451 BARO Circuit Performance Problem
P1500 Engine Starter Signal Circuit Malfunction
P1510 ECM Back-Up Power Supply Malfunction
P1530 Ignition Timing Adjustment Switch Circuit Malfunction
P1600 Serial Communication Problem Between ECM & TCM
P1700 (32 Or 33) TP Signal Input Malfunction
P1705 (34) ECT Signal Input Malfunction
P1710 Back-Up Signal For Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1715 PNP Switch Circuit Malfunction
P1875 4WD Low Switch Circuit Malfunction

P0101 MAF Circuit Performance Problem
P0102 MAF Circuit Voltage Low
P0103 MAF Voltage High
P0111 IAT Circuit Range/Performance
P0112 IAT Circuit Voltage Low
P0113 IAT Circuit Voltage High
P0117 ECT Circuit Voltage Low
P0118 ECT Circuit Voltage High
P0121 TP Sensor Circuit Performance Problem
P0122 TP Sensor Circuit Voltage Low
P0123 TP Sensor Voltage High
P0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature For Closed Loop Fuel Control
P0131 HO2S 1 Circuit Voltage Low
P0132 HO2S 1 Circuit Voltage High
P0133 HO2S 1 Circuit Slow Response
P0134 HO2S 1 Circuit No Activity
P0135 HO2S 1 Heater Circuit Malfunction
P0136 HO2S 2 Circuit Malfunction
P0141 HO2S 2 Circuit Malfunction
P0171 Fuel System Too Lean
P0172 Fuel System Too Rich
P0300 Random Misfire
P0301–P0304 Misfire Cylinders 1–4
P0335 CKP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0340 CMP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0400 EGR Flow Malfunction
P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold
P0440 EVAP System Malfunction
P0443 EVAP System Improper Purge Flow
P0450 EVAP Pressure Sensor Malfunction
P0451 EVAP Pressure Sensor Range/Performance
P0455 EVAP Leak Detected (Gross Leak)
P0461 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Performance
P0463 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Voltage High
P0500 VSS Malfunction
P0505 IAC System Malfunction
P0601 Internal Control Module Memory Checksum Error
P0603 Internal Control Module KAM Error
P0705 (34) Transmission Range Switch Circuit Malfunction
P0720 (31) OSS Circuit Malfunction
P0725 (52) Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction
P0741 (29) TCC Lock-Up Solenoid Performance Or Stuck Off
P0743 (25 Or 26) TCC Lock-Up Solenoid Electrical
P0751 (27) Shift Solenoid ‘‘A’’ (No. 1) Performance Or Stuck Off
P0753 (21 Or 22) Shift Solenoid ‘‘A’’ (No. 1) Electrical
P0756 (28) Shift Solenoid ‘‘B’’ (No. 2) Performance Or Stuck Off
P0758 (23 Or 24) Shift Solenoid ‘‘A’’ (No. 1) Electrical
P0771 (29) TCC Lock-Up Solenoid Performance Or Stuck Off
P0773 (25 Or 26) TCC Lock-Up Solenoid Electrical
P1408 MDP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1410 Fuel Tank Pressure Control System Malfunction
P1450 BARO Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1451 BARO Sensor Circuit Performance Problem
P1500 Engine Starter Signal Circuit Malfunction
P1510 ECM Back-Up Power Supply Malfunction
P1530 Ignition Timing Adjustment Switch Circuit Malfunction
P1600 Serial Communication Problem Between ECM & TCM
P1700 (32 Or 33) TP Signal Input Malfunction
P1705 (51) ECT Signal Input Malfunction
P1710 (35) Back-Up Signal For Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1875 (37) 4WD Low Switch Circuit Malfunction

P0101 MAF Circuit Performance Problem
P0102 MAF Circuit Voltage Low
P0103 MAF Circuit Voltage High
P0111 IAT Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0112 IAT Circuit Voltage Low
P0113 IAT Circuit Voltage High
P0116 ECT Sensor Circuit Range/Performance
P0117 ECT Circuit Voltage Low
P0118 ECT Circuit Voltage High
P0121 TP Circuit Performance Problem
P0122 TP Circuit Voltage Low
P0123 TP Circuit Voltage High
P0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature For Closed Loop Fuel Control
P0131 HO2S Circuit Voltage Low Bank 1 Sensor 1
P0132 HO2S Circuit Voltage High Bank 1 Sensor 1
P0133 HO2S Circuit Slow Response Bank 1 Sensor 1
P0134 HO2S No Activity Bank 1 Sensor 1
P0135 HO2S Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 1
P0136 HO2S Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 2
P0141 HO2S Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 1 Sensor 2
P0151 HO2S Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
P0152 HO2S Heater Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1
P0153 HO2S Circuit Slow Response Bank 2 Sensor 1
P0154 HO2S No Activity Detected Bank 2 Sensor 1
P0155 HO2S Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 2 Sensor 1
P0156 HO2S Circuit Malfunction Bank 2 Sensor 1
P0161 HO2S Heater Circuit Malfunction Bank 2 Sensor 2
P0171 Fuel System Too Lean (Bank 1)
P0172 Fuel System Too Rich (Bank 1)
P0174 Fuel System Too Lean (Bank 2)
P0175 Fuel System Too Rich (Bank 2)
P0300 Random Misfire Detected
P0301–P0306 Misfire Cylinders 1–6
P0335 CKP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0340 CMP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P0400 EGR Flow Malfunction
P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)
P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2)
P0440 EVAP II System Malfunction
P0450 EVAP II System Pressure Sensor Malfunction
P0451 EVAP Pressure Sensor Range/Performance
P0455 EVAP Gross Leak Detected
P0461 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Performance
P0463 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Voltage High
P0500 VSS Malfunction
P0505 IAC System Malfunction
P0601 Internal Control Module Memory Checksum Error
P1408 MDP Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1410 EVAP II Fuel Tank Pressure Control System Malfunction
P1450 BARO Sensor Circuit Malfunction
P1451 BARO Circuit Performance Problem
P1500 Engine Starter Signal Circuit Malfunction
P1510 ECM Back-Up Power Supply Malfunction
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 18 Mar 2013 08:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

1 43421-60A00 HUB, FRONT WHEEL
2 09119-12012 BOLT
3 43241-80001 CAP, FRONT AXLE (N/FREE WHEEL)
5 01570-08253 BOLT (N/FREE WHEEL)
6 43841-80001 WASHER (N/FREE WHEEL)
7 43800-60B11 HUB ASSY, LOCKING (MANUAL FREE WHEEL,<-43810-60A00,<-43801-60A00)
8 43813-60A00 GASKET (MANUAL FREE WHEEL,<-43810-60A00,<-43801-60A00)
9 43838-60A00 O RING (MANUAL FREE WHEEL,<-43810-60A00,<-43801-60A00)
10 43814-60A01 BOLT, COVER (MANUAL FREE WHEEL,<-43810-60A00,<-43801-60A00)
11 01570-08253 BOLT (MANUAL FREE WHEEL,<-43810-60A00,<-43801-60A00)
12 43841-80001 WASHER (MANUAL FREE WHEEL,<-43810-60A00,<-43801-60A00)
14 43814-60A10 COVER (AUTO FREE WHEEL)
15 43815-83000 O RING, COVER (AUTO FREE WHEEL)
16 43838-83000 O RING (AUTO FREE WHEEL)
17 43811-60A10 BOLT (AUTO FREE WHEEL)
18 09380-26004 CIRCLIP (AUTO FREE WHEEL)
21 02122-04083 SCREW (AUTO FREE WHEEL)
22 43461-60A01 NUT, BEARING LOCK (<-43461-60A00)
23 43465-60A00 WASHER, WHEEL BEARING (<-43461-60A00)
24 09269-41001 BEARING, FRONT WHEEL (<-43461-60A00)
25 09381-68001 CIRCLIP (<-43486-60A10)
26 09283-54001 SEAL, WHEEL BEARING OIL (<-43486-60A10)
27 09286-75001 SEAL, WHEEL HUB (<-43486-60A10)
28 43440-60A03 SPINDLE, FRONT WHEEL (<-43440-60A02)
29 43445-60A11 BUSHING (<-43445-60A10)
30 09289-48004 SEAL, OIL INNER (<-43445-60A10)
31 09286-64001 SEAL, DRIVE SHAFT OIL (<-43445-60A10)
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Mar 2013 10:24    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Mal podatkov o grand vitari.......(zadnji model)

3V model

GRAND VITARA ima nov način upravljanja s štirikolesnim pogonom.
Na sredinski konzoli se nahaja posebno stikalo, s katerim lahko voznik enostavno izbira med različnimi možnostmi štirikolesnega pogona (razen pri 1.6l modelih).

Stalni štirikolesni pogon, ki ne glede na vremenske razmere omogoča zelo zanesljivo in varno vožnjo po običajnih cestah.
Razmerje prenosa moči med prednjim in zadnjim pogonom se spreminja do razmerja 47:53 %.

4H LOCK (razen pri 1.6 modelih)
Stalni štirikolesni pogon z zaporo sredinskega diferenciala.
Omogoča vožnjo v težjih voznih in vremenskih razmerah, po brezpotjih, snegu, blatu.
Razmerje prenosa moči med prednjim in zadnjim pogonom je 50:50%.

4L LOCK (razen pri 1.6 modelih)
Stalni štirikolesni pogon z zaporo sredinskega diferenciala in reduktorjem.
Zmanjšano prestavno razmerje (1:1,970) omogoča tudi vožnjo v izjemno zahtevnih pogojih. Razmerje prenosa moči med prednjim in zadnjim pogonom je 50:50%.

PORABA GORIVA l / 100 km
1.6 bencin
1.9 dizel
Emisija CO2 Kombinirano g/km

1.6 bencin 160 km/h
1.9 dizel 170 km/h
Posoda za gorivo l 55

Tehnični podatki Suzuki Grand Vitara 3v
tehnični podatki GRAND VITARA 1.6 4×4 3v GRAND VITARA 1.9 DDiS 4×4 3v
vrsta motorja: bencinski, vrstni 4-valjni, 4 ventili na valj
dizelski, vrstni 4-valjni, 4 ventili na valj
prostornina v ccm:
moč v kW (KM) pri vrt/min:
največji navor v Nm pri vrt/min:
ročni 5 prestav
stalni štirikolesni pogon
mere (d x š x v) v mm:
4.005 x 1.810 x 1.695
masa praznega vozila v kg:
medosna razdalja v mm:
prtljažnik v litrih:
največja hitrost v km/h:
pospešek 0-100 km/h v s:
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08
Prispevkov: 10562

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Mar 2013 10:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

5V model

Pri 5-vratni GRAND VITARI je na voljo 2.0 DOHC bencinski motor s 103 kW(140 KM)

Pogon: glej GV 3V

PORABA GORIVA* 2.4 bencin 2.4 bencin AT 1.9 dizel
EU standard emisij EURO 5
Poraba goriva l / 100 km
Emisija CO2 Kombinirano g/km
Dimljenje dizelskih motorjev 1.9 dizel
Emisija CO2 Kombinirano g/km 0,52

ZMOGLJIVOSTI 2.4 bencin 2.4 bencin AT 1.9 dizel
Najvišja hitrost km/h
Posoda za gorivo l 66

tehnični podatki GRAND VITARA 2.0 4×4 5v GRAND VITARA 1.9 DDiS 4×4 5v
vrsta motorja:
bencinski, vrstni 4-valjni,4 ventili na valj
dizelski, vrstni 4-valjni,4 ventili na valj
prostornina v ccm:
moč v kW (KM) pri vrt/min:
največji navor v Nm pri vrt/min:
ročni 5 prestav
stalni štirikolesni pogon
mere (d x š x v) v mm:
4.445 x 1.810 x 1.695
masa praznega vozila v kg:
medosna razdalja v mm:
prtljažnik v litrih:
največja hitrost v km/h:
pospešek 0-100 km/h v s:
Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand.
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