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gregor Niva mojster
Pridružen/-a: 28.02. 2012, 16:02 Prispevkov: 18 Kraj: Žalec
Objavljeno: 21 Avg 2013 15:47 Naslov sporočila: |
Hja, bilo je čist spontano. Bo treba še kdaj planirano it na gorenjsko.
Ampak kakšne patrone imaš ti, da za tisti makadam jokajo? Saj ni nikjer vej ob cesti, da bi barvo popraskale... |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 25 Avg 2013 16:08 Naslov sporočila: |
Hja..............sto ljudi sto čudi, kaj čmo. Eni imajo pač napačne predstave o tem kaj je off road.......
Hec more bit
Čez vikend smo imeli čistilno akcijo...........
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 25 Avg 2013 16:12 Naslov sporočila: |
Če kdo še ne ve zakaj imajo wranglerji tako široke blatnike........
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 31 Avg 2013 10:28 Naslov sporočila: |
Komaj očistimo pot, pa se že heroji zaganjajo..............
Nije žvaka za seljaka ............sam dopovej seljaku
Lako je isterat seljaka iz sela, isterat selo iz seljaka malo morgen
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 01 Sep 2013 01:23 Naslov sporočila: |
Gorenjska 4x4 transverzala ponovno očiščena in pričakuje novega heroja............
Reševalna ekipa 4X4Gorenjska pripravljena na nove stranke.......
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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Popaj Best member 2011

Pridružen/-a: 25.02. 2011, 16:39 Prispevkov: 410 Kraj: primorska-yeti land
Objavljeno: 01 Sep 2013 16:15 Naslov sporočila: |
To je na cesti do tebe? _________________ Plin je za kuhanje, Diesel za ogrevanje, Bencin pa za dirkat!! |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 04 Sep 2013 10:47 Naslov sporočila: |
Mal višji...........tam si se že peljal, po skalah gor. _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 07 Nov 2013 12:56 Naslov sporočila: |
Včeraj sem ujel Miklavža pri peki piškotov ............
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 07 Nov 2013 12:57 Naslov sporočila: |
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 07 Nov 2013 12:58 Naslov sporočila: |
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 07 Nov 2013 12:59 Naslov sporočila: |
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 13 Nov 2013 15:46 Naslov sporočila: |
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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Popaj Best member 2011

Pridružen/-a: 25.02. 2011, 16:39 Prispevkov: 410 Kraj: primorska-yeti land
Objavljeno: 15 Nov 2013 13:29 Naslov sporočila: |
O, ga bo letos še dost, nč bat  _________________ Plin je za kuhanje, Diesel za ogrevanje, Bencin pa za dirkat!! |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 01 Dec 2013 16:56 Naslov sporočila: |
Končno sem dobil par slik z off zabave. Ker jih je premalo za novo temo bom kar tule prilimal
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10562
Objavljeno: 01 Dec 2013 16:56 Naslov sporočila: |
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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