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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 17 Feb 2011 23:49 Naslov sporočila: Suzuki joke & funny tales |
I saw this one a long time ago, but I just found it again, so I thought I would share!!
Our hero was happily driving along a western desert highway in his lifted and locked Samurai
when, all of a sudden, the beastly little 4x4 just died. Perplexed, he pulled off to the shoulder,
got out and lifted the hood.
Now, being a suspension wizard, but knowing nothing about motors, he just shrugged his
shoulders and resolved to try to flag someone down.
After a short time, a dust cloud appeared on the horizon, immediately preceded by a bullet
travelling at an extremely high rate of speed. A Dodge Viper was upon him in no time. He
frantically waved his arms, but the bullet just screamed past. Disappointed, thinking that the
driver had not seen him, he turned to slowly walk back to his ailing Samurai.
Arriving at the side of his Suzuki, he heard the squeal of tires and looked back to see the Viper
returning in reverse. Out from the car climbed a long, lean individual, kind of a young Clint
Eastwood of the spaghetti western days.
The owner of the Dodge offered to help the Samurai guy out by giving him a tow to the next
town, about 20 miles down the road. Accepting graciously, our hero only requested that the
Viper keep it below 40 mph, because Samurais, as we all know, are subject to spontaneous
roll-overs at anything more than crawling velocities. Upon departure, the Dodge guy gave our
comrade instructions to simply flash the headlights if he began to travel too fast. As they
slowly pulled onto the road, our Samurai guy switched on his emergency flashers, not noticing
that the right side rear light was not functioning.
Following along at tow rope length behind the Viper, Mr. Samurai then saw another dust cloud
in his rearview. It was closing so fast on his 4x4 that he braced for a rear end collision.
However, the Corvette driver got on the binders at the last instant and laughed at the scare he
gave to our off-road enthusiast.
Only when pulling out to pass did the Chevy driver see the low slung Viper in front of the short
but tall Samurai.
Now, sports car drivers being the species of animal that they are, simply cannot stand to be
overtaken by another car. So, the Dodge guy slammed it into third and proclaimed, "We're off
to the races". Our hero, realizing the situation, began frantically to flash his headlights, but to
no avail. 70, 80, 90, 100 mph and climbing. Helpless, the Samurai guy valiantly gripped the
steering wheel as the two maniacs screamed down the road, side by side...
With the speed still climbing, the three-car convoy reached the crest of a hill and broke down
over the other side. "Uh oh," a radar trap. However, the drivers of the Viper and Corvette didn't
even get off the gas and screamed past the cop at 130 mph!!!
The police officer jumped into his black and white, headed out in pursuit and radioed ahead for
"Attention County Sheriff Smith. Attention Sheriff Smith. We've got a heck of a drag race out
here on the Interstate. A Viper and a Corvette passed side by side through my radar at 130
miles an hour, with a Suzuki Samurai hot on their tail, signalling to let him pass!!! |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 18 Feb 2011 08:53 Naslov sporočila: |
It's smaller than everything else on the trail
If you go to get the Sunday paper and come back on Monday without it
If you use a hose to clean the inside and the outside
If you own it outright
When the best route from A to B is through the mud, rockpile or over the mountain (or all of the above)
When a scratch or a dent is a beauty mark
You roll it over and don't get upset
Your mum and sister can't get in it without help
You judge every hill you see by how much fun it would be to climb
You search for trails in a helicopter
You puke when you see a Freelander
When you know what the wave is and you're not afraid to use it
You get custom pin-striping from trail brush
When a low-rider Suzuki pulls up next to you and you get out and bitch-slap the driver
If it takes more than 6 hours to get donuts
When you pull into the unploughed parking spots on snowy days
When you take your friends wheeling and they say "What trail –I don't see a trail!"
When you've been forced to add SJ410, SJ413, Santana and Vitara to your spell-checker
Your friends won't ride with you 'cause they don't want to wind up in the desert in the middle of the night
When your boss's secretary calls to "recommend" that you wash your Suzuki
When you finally wash the mud off, everyone thinks you bought a new Suzuki
When you can see OVER a Discovery
You carry emergency supplies and clothing because you never know where you will end up
When your Bullbars battle rocks and win
When it rains and you don't care that your tops and doors are off
When you drive around to look at Christmas lights topless
When you change your plugs in the parking lot at work on a break
If your "Parts Dept." is on blocks behind your house
When you take your Mom wheeling and she has to help you flip the Suzuki back onto its wheels again
You use an ice-scraper on the INSIDE of the windshield
You get more heat from holes in the floorboards than through the heater vents
Passengers scream "DON'T ROLL IT!" when you take them wheeling |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 11 Feb 2012 13:23 Naslov sporočila: |
Ena zanimiva ocena iz Pakistana:
Suzuki SJ 410/Samurai
This is an extremely capable offroader. However, it has the worst ride of any 4 wheeled vehicle ever made. Donkey carts have a better ride. Driving it on the highway is plain torture, for on every bump it bucks like a bronco. On bad roads where heavier vehicles can speed on, the Suzuki gets airborne on every bump and comes down with a bone jarring crash. Not recommended for people with bad backs anybody. Otherwise an excellent machine which can take as much a beating as it hands out to its occupants.
Offroading Capability: 8 out of 10
The 1 and 1.3 litre petrol engines are zippy, but underpowered in sand. Requires excessive use of the clutch.
Suzuki Jimny
This is the succesor to the Samurai, and remains an extremely capable offroader. It switches from leafsprings to coil springs, thus giving a decent ride. The engine is a peppy 1.3 aluminium EFI and has more 'go'. This is the perfect first entry into 4wheeling - highly recommended to all and sundry. Whenever anyone asks me what Jeep they should get, I point them to the Jimny. Suzuki is officially importing the Jimny, so all spare parts are readily available.
Offroading Capability: 7 out of 10 for the auto, 8/10 for the manual.
The Jimny has all the essentials: A ladder frame, low range transfer case and solid axles. Off-road, the Jimny holds its own against far more expensive rivals.
Huda, pa še res je, je treba priznat.
No verjetno avtor zapisa ni probal še kakšnega hevimetalca. Recimo UAZ....tam je šele donkey ride  _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 12 Jun 2012 11:50 Naslov sporočila: |
Suzuki Samurai, so simple a dog can drive it!
Driving around the island in the Suzuki Samurai with Nicole and Joe. The Samurai is the most bad-ass car on the island, and people constantly offered Joe nice sums of money for it. Also, you can see here that driving is on the left side of the road.
http://spatialdrift.blogspot.com/2010/12/gorgeous-grenada.html _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 24 Dec 2012 20:21 Naslov sporočila: |
What was the greatest Suzuki of all time?
It may not be the popular answer but we’re going out on a limb and say it’s the Jimny/Samurai. The micro-4×4 is often overshadowed by trucks like the Toyota Land Cruiser, but just look at any off-roading enthusiast site and you’ll find a cadre of devoted fans. The Jimny/Samurai is so popular it was built in Japan, Spain and India. It’s been immortalized in R/C and Hot Wheels form. It’s a consistent choice for the Mongolia Rally and a Chilean duo in a Samurai even holds the Guinness world record for highest altitude (21,942 feet) achieved by a four-wheeled vehicle. Supposedly, they found the previous record holder’s blown over “Jeep Parking Only” sign and brought it back down as a souvenir.
http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/2012/12/03/whats-the-greatest-suzuki-of-all-time/ _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 01 Apr 2013 06:00 Naslov sporočila: |
There is nothing that can touch a Gypsy off the road, except perhaps an Arjun battle tank.The trouble is that everything else does better on the road.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maruti_Gypsy _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 08 Jan 2014 09:08 Naslov sporočila: |
Richie Kavanagh Me Little Zuki Jeep
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MIdXQv6SJI#t=39 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 22 Jan 2014 09:14 Naslov sporočila: |
Christmas Tree Hunting with Duck Tape and Rusty Bolts in the Suzuki Samurai
Tedva nista čist diht  _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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cobalt Licence to banned

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 21:45 Prispevkov: 422 Kraj: Omiš, HR
Objavljeno: 24 Jul 2014 20:57 Naslov sporočila: |
Overland Samurai
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 24 Jul 2014 23:03 Naslov sporočila: |
 _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 28 Sep 2014 22:38 Naslov sporočila: |
Młode wilki- pocałuj noc
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ7VBvFL58U _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 28 Sep 2014 22:39 Naslov sporočila: |
The Prodigy - Voodoo People (HQ)
voodoo samurai  _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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alien Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 17.02. 2011, 20:08 Prispevkov: 10563
Objavljeno: 05 Okt 2014 20:59 Naslov sporočila: |
Ile styropianu przewiezie suzuki vitara
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsWAocQ4s1o _________________ Suzuki Samurai is truly one of the most remarkable little vehicles around. It is not the most comfortable vehicle to drive, nor is it the fastest, or even the best looking, but it remains a true classic.
It's a cheap thing you wouldn't understand. |
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